Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not much to say, just pics

Neil turned 30!! Yes, he has the grey hairs to prove it!
This is his odd request for decorations. Abby said that we needed to have a pirate party for him, so Neil said he wanted Ninja's and Pirates on his cupcakes. This is just my lovely representation of one.

Lily is being such a helper in the kitchen. Okay, I try to do everything either when she's asleep or in her highchair. She is so entertaining! I could just sit and watch her for hours and laugh the whole time.


Lisa said...

Such cute kiddos! I love the cupcakes. :) My kind of decorations!

Jennifer Lyn said...

So cute! I love Lilly in the dishwasher. And the cake I made for Emma's b-day....ummmm...cake wreck!

wittygal said...

So good that you can laugh. Happy birthday to Neil. We sure miss having you guys around.

Mandi Burrell said...

So I was blog stockin' and I found your blog through Wendy's and I thought it was funny to run into you again and not just facebook. We have a blog too, if you want to look at it it is
I hope you are doing well and that you don't mind me commenting on your blog.

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