So I have to say hooray for all of my silly reality tv. This is my first (from start to finish) season of So you think you can dance-and I love it! I could scream like Mary Murphy, but she is the reason tivo is so great. I don't have to hear her. Project Rungay is also back, and another one I am excited for. The other one we watch is Last Comic Standing. Did anyone watch a couple weeks ago with Marcus (the guy from West Jordan, UT) talking about Willy Wonka and how it wasn't necissarily a kids show? His parents would watch the first few minutes with him, and then thinking it was safe, they would leave him alone with creepy Gene Wilder and that was when the show went wrong and scary.
We experienced this with our kids this week. We netflixed The Spiderwick Chronicles for the girls. We actually watched the whole thing with them, but I will get back to that later. It started nice enough, but then goblins and trolls came out, and even the good guys were a bit scary. We would have turned it off, but the girls were so entranced by it, and also we had to let them know that things turned out all ri
ght in the end. Poor Isabel even screamed and jumped behind me at one point, but she was the one fighting for me to let her stay downstairs to watch it. The next day, Abby told me that she had a nightmare, about the scary spiders and that I made her stay downstairs in the dark to watch it by herself. Am I a mean mom or what? So here is your warning-don't make your kids watch it alone in the dark.

On a side note, they watched this one easier than they did Wall-E. We took Abby as a treat, because she is finally keeping her bed dry at night!! But the poor girls were bored to death by that movie. It definately wasn't made with kids in mind. It was more like Happy Feet with the "saving the penguins" at the end, but slightly less obnoxious. (Don't get me wrong, I love penguins, sort of like, I'm not racist, I love black people. (I hope you all understand my humor))Anyway, the only thing to keep the kids near us, was the popcorn and soda. I thought the movie was cute, but we really did go with the girl's in mind. That is all my ranting. Go watch some tv and tell me what you like.