Thursday, June 4, 2009

Abby During Dentist

Alright, so I know most of you are very disappointed to see that I don't have video. I was very sad myself when this was going on. I'm sure 90% of you saw the youtube of David after dentist, and in mine own opinion this was so much more funny to witness. I'm going to try and use some discriptive words so you all can have wonderful imagery of Abby getting cavities filled (by the way, parents, floss your children's teeth!)
I think the dental assistant went a little heavy on the nitros today. I brought her in, and since my children are overly emotional and dramatic, I was expecting the worst. I thought I would be holding down my child while they numbed her. It started out as expected, when she felt the poke, she screamed and cried and even snorted at the doctor. He told her to breathe through her nose, that the gas would help her feel better. Well, she did just that and within seconds, she started humming. I was thinking she was trying to coax herself, but then she started getting goofy. The dentist left to let the numbing set in, and Abby started laughing outright, and kicking her legs up in the air. In between laughing, she would sing, but not any song in particular. When they were finishing up on her, she kept her singsong attitude and kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. The assistant mentioned how relaxed she seemed, and I had to mention that I think the gas must be on high. I can't say that I'm too happy to have put Abby in a drunken state, but at least she was happy during an uncomfortable time. "Why is this happening to me?" "Will I stay like this forever?"